
The GKA Youth World Tour 2022

Published 19th May 2022 by Danny


The GKA World Tour is determined to foster youth participating in the sport of kiteboarding and will continue to invest in the Youth World Tour. In order to dedicate even more attention and support to the up and coming generations and to the Youth World Tour itself, the GKA World Tour has some significant announcements and goals for the Youth World Tour in 2022! Not the least of which is a NEW Youth World Tour Manager who will attend every Youth World Tour event as part of the Crew and provide dedicated support for riders, families and the public. 

Read on for all of the important information and updates for the 2022 GKA Youth World Tour!

GKA Youth Kite World Tour


Starting out the 2022 season, the GKA Youth World Tour has three potential events on the schedule:

  • GKA Kite-Surf and Freestyle Youth World Cup Tarifa (Spain)
    • Kite-Surf Strapless and Freestyle Twin-tip.
    • 08-11th September (Confirmed)
  • GKA Freestyle Youth World Cup St. Pierre La Mer (France)
    • Freestyle Twintip.
    • 29th Sept – 02nd October 2022 (Confirmed)
  • GKA Freestyle Youth World Cup Egypt.
    • Freestyle Twintip.
    • October-November 2022 (TBC)

Keep an eye on the World Tour events page for updates. 

2022 gka youth world tour


GKA Freestyle and Kite-Surf Youth World Cups will host riders in the following ages groups:

    • U21 (born in between 01/01/2002 and 31/12/2003)
    • U19 (born in between 01/01/2004 and 31/12/2006)
    • U16 (born in between 01/01/2007 and 31/12/2008)
    • U14 (born after 01/01/2009)

There will need to be a minimum of 4 competitors per category. If there are no 4 or more competitors, they will compete in the next higher category.


The Youth World Tour will utilize the GKA World Tour Rulebook, and all the events will have the same standards and criteria. 


We are thrilled to announce Ignacio del Águila GonzΓ‘lez-OutΓ³n as the GKA Youth World Tour Manager for 2022! The addition of a Youth World Tour manager serves a number of purposes for the GKA. Firstly, our capacity for serving the youth on tour has been greatly increased and we are dedicated to providing ample support to this arm of the tour. Additionally, Ignacio brings a level of professionalism that will increase exposure for the tour and provide unparalleled assistance to the competitors on tour. He is determined to make the riders’ lives easier while competing on tour at the GKA Youth World Cup events. 

The Youth World Tour Manager’s Responsibilities Include:

  • Will be the main person of contact for riders and their families.
  • Will help organizers with anything they may need. 
  • Will help riders with anything they need in reference to events and the tour at large. 
  • Will be the person of contact between the riders and the specific event organizers. 
  • Will attend all of the events and make sure that the professionalism and Youth World Tour standards are the same at every event. 

The GKA wants to put the GKA Youth World where it deserves to be. We want to give the new generations of riders the World Tour that they need and that they want to have. We hear the riders and we are here for them, and the GKA is prepared to invest in this tour!


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